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Hours: M, Tu, Th, Fr: 7:30am - 12pm; 1:30-6pm
Wed & Sun Closed; Sat: 7:30am-1pm

Buy 10, sessions get 1 free
Class IV Laser Therapy

For healthy pets. New clients only. Restrictions apply . Mention this ad when you make your appointment.
Free First Wellness Exam

Complimentary examination within 7 days of adoption or within 2 days of Petland pet purchase. Mention this ad when making your appointment.
Free Adoption Exam

Senior x-ray and ultrasound screening packages
Savings up to $140 off regular prices (verus when a patient is sick)

Nexgard Plus
$35 rebate when purchasing 6 doses
Valid until 01/31/24

Revolution & Revolution Plus
Buy 6 doses, get $10 in Zoetis rewards
Buy 12 doses, get $30 in Zoetis rewards
Visit www.zoetispetcarerewards.com
Reward points translated into $
Ongoing- reward amounts may change

Dasuquin Advanced

Buy 2 doses- $10 rebate
Buy 4 doses- $25 rebate
Ongoing. visit https://us.bravecto.com/get-bravecto/rebate-offers/

Earn Rewards on Convenia, Rimadyl, Proheart, & Cerenia
Visit www.zoetispetcarerewards.com
Reward points translated into $
Ongoing- reward amounts may change
We recommend monthly year round flea/tick and heartworm prevention. Products purchased directly from your veterinarian come with a manufacturers' guarantee, meaning the company will stand by the quality of their product and refund or replace the product if it not working, not palatable or your pet has adverse reactions. Additionally, if there is proof that your pet has been on consistent monthly heartworm preventative and he comes down with heartworm disease, they will pay a portion of the cost to treat the disease. Diversion occurs when medications are sold to third parties, often online pharmacies for redistribution. Medications purchased outside the veterinary hospital void the manufacturer's guarantee as the manufacturer cannot attest to the authenticity, sourcing or quality of the medications. Improper storage (excess heat) can inactivate or decrease the efficacy. Unauthorized vendors may be sourcing counterfeit products. Additionally our prices are comparable to or often better than online pharmacies. Read an FDA article about online pharmacies here and an article about diversion here.

Valid until 01/31/24
-Buy 12 doses of Heartgard AND 12 doses of Nexgard at the same visit and receive $60 rebate.
-Buy 12 doses of HG & 6 doses of NG - $30 rebate
-Buy 6 doses HG & 6 doses NG- $20 rebate valid until 01/31/24

Valid until 12/31/23
Buy 6 doses, get $20 rebate

Valid until 01/31/24
Buy 12 doses, get $15 rebate